Monday, August 31, 2009

Choosing a career? Think twice : READ IT CONSIDERING ARMY AS A CARRIER ..

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it. -Henry David Thoreau
This article is especially for young ones, who are in a position to opt for a career. In this period of globalisation everybody wants to come up in a fast track mood, wants to earn money with short cuts. So here choosing a career does have its great importance or else may result into lot of set-backs. If unfortunately, our choice goes wrong, our fate is punished like anything, because here in this materialistic world everything keeps on going, it never stops, our time, money, age, etc. and then no other option remains, only just to repent and blame our fate. So, we felt necessary to enlighten it.

Let us begin with the basics: What career means?
A career is an occupation or profession. A career is followed as one’s life’s work and the chosen career field must have some scope for advancement. To choose and plan a career, we should look into matters such as our household, the environment we live in, our interactions with people, etc. Whatever situation we may be in at present, we must keep those in mind while deciding on our priorities in search for a career or a job. Generally, it is observed that different people have different priorities, which determine the career and this includes-status, wealth, power, challenge and contentment.

Choosing the career path to success
Life is great till the point we are studying and gaining knowledge. The dilemma arises when it is time to move a step further and choose a career that will take us places professionally!

Making such a crucial career decision is not always easy, but it is one that needs to be made sooner or later. Many of us think that we know what it is that we want to do professionally. Such people usually fall into two categories:
  1. Those that really know what they're passionate about and choose a career field for the right reasons.
  2. Those who fail to make up their own minds and succumb to outside pressures, opting for a wrong career.
It is very amazing to see here that maximum number of people fall into second type of category.

Keeping these facts in mind, here are some simple steps we can follow to make the best career decision for ourselves:-
  • Clear our mind of preconceived notions.
  • Identify our interests and things that we are passionate about.
  • Draw a clear line between what our parents / family / acquaintances want we to do and what it is we would like to do. If both these are the same, that's good for us. However, even if it isn't, we still owe it to our self to be truthful and practical.
  • Imagine what we would be like to be doing, what we have chosen to do, say 5-10 years from now.
Once we have followed a practical and logical decision making process, we will feel closer to a balanced and right decision in choosing a career path to success.

Taking action: The action plan
Depending on our individual goals, plans and expectations, we should work towards devising our own career plan. We should always keep in mind our goals, value system, objectives, strengths and inherent weaknesses, etc. Once we have these guiding factors in mind, we should plan career path carefully and intelligently.

Analyse and set goals
There are many reasons to set goals in order to get a success in whatever we choose to do. It is generally seen that people with clear goals do better than those who fail to set goals. In the absence of clarity and direction, we tend to drift away from what is important. Set clear career goals and objectives so that they can guide and motivate us at every step of the way. The future is uncertain but the present is in our hands. We should do everything what we can to put in our best today and make our future more bright. Successful attainment is possible only through well defined and clear goals.
(To be continued)

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