Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Prophecy and India-China war games

Many Christian Nagas have become immune to prophecies and divine revelations. For some it is an embarrassment to be kept at arms length. Contrary to these perceptions, dreams and prophecies are an integral part of our faith as witnessed in the Bible and such negation is a negation of the Holy Spirit which in turn is a negation of the Father and the Son. Prophecies become problematic due to its non-fulfillment many a times leading to general skepticism but Bible clearly says that all prophecies are to be tested first and then accepted.
Dr. N. Kezeinuo in his article “Oh Nagaland Awake, Awake” dated 20th Sept. 2009, The Morung Express, reveals the vision that “two mithuns fought severely for the map of Arunachal Pradesh and big baskets of paddy were totally destroyed”.( by Rev. N. Kikon).
Similarly, Lasau Kath, Kandinu Prayer Centre, Kandinu village revealed to us that on the midnight (12.30 am) of 21st Aug. 2008, he saw a vision where “two mithuns fought severely in a large paddy field”. Accordingly, the Holy Spirit told him that the two mithuns are India and China and that these two nations would go to war in the year 2010. The paddy field is totally destroyed signifying that there will be severe famine in the land.
Coming back to Dr. Kezeinuo’s article, I reproduce two points to ponder over;
1.    North-East will be cut off.
2.    Brahmaputra valley dissected and its eastern half along with hill states given to Nagaland. (by Lt. Rev. Merinthung Mozhui).
This prophecy is not far from the recent semi- official Chinese blog which advocated breaking up of India into many parts. Given the dangerous war games being played between India and China along Arunachal, Ladakh and Sikkim borders, it is very probable that the Chinese want a repeat of 1962- the only difference being that they would keep Arunachal Pradesh this time. It is for nothing that the Indian Army is creating 2 Mountain Divisions in the North-East and moving tanks and warplanes in this part of the country. North-east India since the 50’s have been engulfed in various internal conflicts and there is a longing for peace but if war breaks out between India and China and if India is defeated, it is very probable that the Chinese would want to create an independent Nagaland (“united states of Nagaland”-refer to Dr. Kezeinuo article) to act as a buffer state against future Indian aggressions.
To cut off North-East (Dr. Kezeinuo) would be to cut off the supply route of the Indian Army and this would be the logical 1st step for Chinese strategic planners. The North- East is connected to mainland India through a tiny corrider called chicken’s neck (at places only 16 km wide) near Siliguri. This corridor is easily accessible from Sikkim which would be another vintage point of Chinese attack. Naturally, if the Chinese were to overrun chicken’s neck, the whole of North-East including Indian Army would be encircled and starved, prophecy or no prophecy.
Against such a scenario having humanitarian ramifications, it would be pertinent to throw a few hypothetical questions.
1.    In case of war and the resultant famine, how will the state government respond or what are the resources of the State? Does it have enough foodstocks to last for say, six months? And if not, the contingency measures to be taken? Are its hospitals equipped to handle hundreds if not thousands of potential casualties, both from war and famine? Does it have enough medicines?
2.    In case of war between India and China, what would be the response of the forces of Naga Nationalism? Will it go the Subhash C. Bose way and support the aggressors or will it remain neutral or even support India war efforts?
Way back in 1962, India’s humiliating defeat by the Chinese resulted in mainland Indian backlash against Naga students and other mongoloid North-east students studying in Delhi and elsewhere in India. They were chased and beaten in Indian cities. Such an outrageous incident cannot be ruled out again if Indian casualties were to go up.
Prophecy does not presume to replace the rationality of the state in its governance. But as Christians, we believe prophecy to be one of the many tools available to leaders to make wise and timely decisions for the welfare of the people. In the light of these divine revelations and the gravity of the situation, I guess it would not be too inappropriate to suggests that NBCC should at least organize a day of prayer and fasting all over Nagaland with shops, schools, offices and all activities brought to a grinding halt. Let us not be ashamed to call His name.

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